Stephanie Power

Stephanie has been dancing with Kazzajazz for 17 years and has been teaching at local dance studios and Kazzajazz for the past 9 years. She competed in solos, championships and troupe competitions throughout her time at the studio with many results. Stephanie was selected as part of the Illawarra South East Regional Touring Company, which…

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Tia Sebastion

Tia is trained across the board in jazz, street styles, musical theatre, tap, ballet, contemporary and lyrical. Originating from Kazzajazz, later training with Brent Street and recently graduating from a Professional Semester with Broadway Dance Center in NYC. Tia has worked under the likes of Samantha Jade and Starley, and she is currently represented by…

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Catrina Ralph

Cat has been dancing for 20 years, trained extensively in jazz, ballet, tap, theatre styles, contemporary, and hip hop – and for the past 4 years, singing and theatre/screen acting. She attended Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts, involved throughout all her years there in school musicals, Regional and State Dance Festivals, as well…

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Kelsey Heycott

Kelsey’s passion for dance began at the young age of five and continued throughout her training in Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Lyrical and Contemporary. During her training Kelsey has completed a number of BDA (British Dance Association), ADA (formerly F.A.T.D) and RAD Classical examinations and has been involved in a number of community…

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Brittany Doyle

Brittany first started her dance training at Garvie-Sanderson Dance Studio at age 3. At age 15, she continued her training in all dance genres with Kazzajazz Modern Dance Studio, of which she became part of the teaching faculty in 2010. Brittany’s pursuit of dance and performance in her adult life has seen her dance professionally…

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Alana Hyde

Alana’s experience in the Entertainment Industry is wide & varied. She began her dance training at 3 in all facets of dance (Classical Ballet, Jazz, National Character, Modern Theatrical Dance, Contemporary) & as an older student studied Tap, Adagio & Classical singing. Alana continues her professional development to this day and undertakes Master classes with…

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Karen Lees

Karen trained in RAD ballet at Beverley Rowles School of Dance in Wollongong, NSW. From the age of 18 she worked in the entertainment industry, forging a successful, international dance career. Karen has extensive experience performing with cabaret shows in all styles of dance, including adagio work with myriad choreographers. With these years of valuable…

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